Cooperative Multitasking. A web-based article on a technique to implement CMT on tiny microcontrollers. Part 1 describes the building blocks; part 2 has embellishments and methods to keep your code clean.
Güncellendi 1 ay önce
This paper introduces a few new methods of scanning small keyboards, using fewer GPIO pins.
Güncellendi 3 ay önce
Generate word-based passwords, inspired by XKCD/936. Includes consideration for smart-phone keyboards, using space, period and comma as punctuation. Unix based systems only, requires /usr/share/dict/words
Güncellendi 9 ay önce
A Linux/BSD app to add comments to files. The comments are stored in a database, and where possible, in the xattr field of the filesystem. There is a GUI, using Python3+Qt5. There is also a terminal (curses) version and a command-line (scriptable).
Güncellendi 2 yıl önce
A small command-line tool to display and control GPIO pins on the OrangePi-i96 and OrangePi-2Giot boards. Both are based on the RDA8810. Replaces WiringPi/gpio
Güncellendi 3 yıl önce
Documentation and apps for the OrangePi-i96 board. Fixes the GPIO access, and includes notes to help make the board more useable
Güncellendi 3 yıl önce