title: Cooperative Multitasking author: Pat Beirne email: patb@pbeirne.com date: 2025/01/15
Small microcontrollers are often required to handle several tasks, sometimes with overlapping phases. This paper will lead you through the creation of a small operating system which can be implemented on a tiny microcontroller, without the fancy time-slicing that is offered by sophisticated operating systems like Linux and FreeRTos.
The core of this technique is covered in Part 1 of this paper. If you just want to see how it all comes together, jump to Final Implementaion.
Part 2 contains enhancements and variations, probably useful reading if you decide to adopt this programming technique in your projects.
This paper will take you through the creation of a tiny operating system that can be implemented on a small microcontroller.
These techniques can be applied by anyone with experience in C, Python, Rust or any modern computer language. It helps to have a passing knowledge of how to connect a transducer (button, LED, buzzer, etc) to a microcontroller.
The Reality Check dropdowns in this article provide extra, often practical supplementary reading.
Let's suppose we want to flash an LED at 1 flash/2 sec, and independently, respond to a push button by operating a different LED for 1.5 seconds. Both operations must operate separately. How do we structure the code for the microcontroller to make this happen?
Let's look an a pseudocode overview of what we want to do:
void initialize(void) {
INTERRUPT void irq(void) {
void main(void) {
while (1) {
if (event) {
That's about it.
Of course, we will need to write the code for setup_hardware()
and setup_interrupts()
And flashLedTask()
and respondToButtonTask()
. And create the magic
that allows event
information to flow.
Don't worry, it will all be laid out in the following pages.
If you're concerned with complexity, feel free to jump ahead to the final implementation page to see real, tested, code.
Between here and there, I'll walk you step-by-step through building the structure and implementation.
This paper continues after that though, to show you how to expand upon a build as the project-definition changes. There are also several examples of state machines, and some discussion of practical matters, refactoring and project structure.
In order to have a responsive system, it would make sense to use the interrupt capabilities of these small micrcontrollers.
In the task described, we need to respond to a button press. So let's connect the button to an input pin and enable it to repsond to a button press with interrupt code.
We also need to keep track of time.....so let's hook up a system timer to another interrupt.
Each interrupt causes the execution of interrupt handler code. For this project, it might look somthing like this:
INTERRUPT timer_isr(void) {
INTERRUPT button_isr(void) {
newEvent(EVT_BUTTON); // see notes about button bounce and acknowledgement
The interrupt handlers are both very simple. They just create a unique event and let the system know about it. Next, let's talk about events.
An event in this context is a small bit of information that appears asynchronously in the system. Implemented, it can be a byte, or an int or an even larger structure. But in these small microcontrollers, let's use a byte.
volatile uint8 event;
These events will be created in interrupt level of the code,
and processed at the main level. We use the event
object to send
information between these levels, so we have to mark it
In this paper, the word message and event are equivalent. Message has the sense of "a bit of communication from another part of the program" and event has the sense of "something external just happened". At this point in the design, they both mean the same thing.
By convention, let's use zero to indicate the absence of an event/message, and non-zero to represent an event/message.
volatile uint8 event;
enum {EVT_NONE, EVT_TICK, EVT_BUTTON}; // 0,1,2
So now we start to get an idea of what kind of information
the interrupt handler code generates.
Now let's look at how that information gets sent to the rest of the code:
Here's a block diagram of the message flow
How do we send the information (events/messages) from the interrupt
service routine to the
code? We used shared memory.
One way would be to have a global volatile uint8
location into which
we drop the event information. But
having only one socket for that would be a bit naive;
what happens if a timer tick and a button press
happen very close in time? What happens if the timer tick events start to stack up?
It makes more sense to have an array: volatile uint8 events[NUM_EVENTS]
where NUM_EVENTS is on the order of 5..10.
That would give us 50-100msec to catch up in case there's a
pileup of events/messages.
At the beginning, before anything happens, we need to make sure the
is full of zeros (EVT_NONE), indicating that it's empty.
The newEvent(evt)
routine simply adds the evt
to the array events[]
Something like this might work:
void newEvent(uint8 evt) {
static uint8 nextEvent;
events[nextEvent++] = evt;
if (nextEvent == NUM_EVENTS)
nextEvent = 0;
In the next section, we'll show how the main()
code pulls the events
out of the array, and leaves an EVT_NONE in its place.
The main()
code can simply watch the events[]
to see when an entry
goes non-zero (!=EVT_NONE). When that
happens, main()
will pull out the event/message from the array,
and call the task subroutines. In this case,
and respondToButtonTask()
To see the real code for the dispatcher, jump ahead.
In this environment, the code that impliments a task is simply a subroutine that accepts an event/message.
void taskCode(uint8 event) {
... process the event information ...
The subroutine should be designed to flow-through as quickly as possible, without any pauses/waits/delays.
If the problem that you're trying to solve involves the passage of time, or any delay, then you must break down the actions into individual items, and build a state machine.
A state machine in this environment is a subroutine which can be called many times, and it remembers in which state it was left from the previous call. Some invocations of this subroutine may cause it to change state, which can be represented in a net diagram.
Here's a state diagram for the task which reacts to a button press by flashing an LED.
How does the state code remember what state it's in between invocations?
We can use a static
variable. A static
is stored in main memory (not
on the stack), persists between calls and is initialized to zero.
The above diagram can be implemented in this code:
enum {RTB_IDLE, RTB_ON}; // RTB_IDLE=0, RTB_ON=1
static uint8 rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
static uint16 rtbTimerCount = 0;
const uint16 TIMER_LIMIT = 150;
void respondToButtonTask(uint8 evt) {
switch(rtbState) {
case RTB_IDLE:
if (evt == EVT_BUTTON) {
rtbState = RTB_ON;
rtbTimerCount = TIMER_LIMIT;
gpio_set(LED, ON);
case RTB_ON:
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (--rtbTimerCount == 0) {
gpio_set(LED, OFF);
rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
Each time this routine is called, it checks the event that it was given, and sometimes processes it. And sometimes it changes state.
Here's a few things to notice:
statementThe other task of this project simply flashes the LED on and off.
The code for this might be:
enum {LED_ON, LED_OFF};
static uint8 ledState = LED_OFF;
static uint16 ledTimerCount = 0;
const uint16 LED_ON_TIME = 100;
const uint16 LED_OFF_TIME = 100;
void ledTask(uint8 evt) {
switch(ledState) {
case LED_OFF:
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (--ledTimerCount == 0) {
gpio_set(LED, ON);
ledTimerCount = LED_ON_TIME;
ledState = LED_ON;
case LED_ON:
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (--ledTimerCount == 0) {
gpio_set(LED, OFF);
ledTimerCount = LED_OFF_TIME;
ledState = LED_OFF;
The last piece of the puzzle is the main()
code which observes the events[]
array and calls the tasks.
The events[]
array is designed so that a 0 means 'no event',
and the non-zero events are dropped into the
array in order...so pulling them out is pretty straight forward.
void main() {
while(1) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<NUM_EVENTS; i++) {
while (events[i]==EVT_NONE)
events[i] = EVT_NONE;
Each non-zero event is "sent" to each task.....by means of a subroutine call.
Once all the tasks have
been invoked, the event
is thrown away and its slot in the array is set to zero.
Let's put all of the above together, for an SMT32F Cortex M0, in C code.
/***** declarations ****/
#define NUM_EVENTS 10
volatile uint8 events[NUM_EVENTS];
void newEvent(uint8 e);
void ledTask(uint8 evt);
void respondToButtonTask(uint8 evt);
/********** interrupts **************/
void timer_isr(void) {
// this interrupt is auto-ack'd
void button_isr(void) {
EXTI->PR |= KEY_IRQ_ACK_MASK; // the hardware requires that we acknowledge
/** newEvent
* add the event to the event queue
* wrapped in critical section
* @param the event
void newEvent(uint8 e) {
static uint8 nextEvent;
dint(); // critical section
events[nextEvent++] = e;
if (nextEvent==NUM_EVENTS)
nextEvent = 0;
/****** main() and dispatcher *********/
void main(void) {
// dispatcher loop
while(1) {
int j;
for (j=0; j<NUM_EVENTS; j++) {
while (events[j]==EVT_NONE)
events[j] = EVT_NONE;
/*********** task code, with states ************/
enum {LED_ON, LED_OFF};
enum {RTB_IDLE, RTB_ON}; // states
static uint8 rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
static uint16 rtbTimerCount = 0;
const uint16 LED_ON_TIME = 150;
void respondToButtonTask(uint8 evt) {
switch(rtbState) {
case RTB_IDLE:
if (evt == EVT_BUTTON) {
rtbTimerCount = 0;
rtbState = RTB_ON;
gpio_set(LED, LED_ON);
case RTB_ON:
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (++rtbTimerCount > LED_ON_TIME) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_OFF);
rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
const uint16 LED_ON_TIME = 150;
const uint16 LED_OFF_TIME = 50;
static uint8 ledState = LED_OFF;
static uint16 ledTimerCount = 0;
void ledTask(uint8 evt) {
switch(ledState) {
case LED_OFF:
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (++ledTimerCount > LED_OFF_TIME) {
gpio_set(LED2, LED_ON);
ledTimerCount = 0;
ledState = LED_ON;
case LED_ON:
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (++ledTimerCount > LED_ON_TIME) {
gpio_set(LED2, LED_OFF);
ledTimerCount = 0;
ledState = LED_OFF;
This is the end of the main presentation. With the above techniques, you can make a tiny microprocessor appear to multitask.
For further tips, read the next section. The interesting topics are:
Now that the infrastructure is in place, it's easy to expand or modify the code for changes in the project definition.
For example, suppose we want the respondToButtonTask()
to restart the
LED timer on each key press:
void rtbTask(uint8 event) {
switch(rtbState) {
case RTB_IDLE:
if (event == EVT_BUTTON) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_ON);
rtbState = RTB_ON;
rtbTimer = RTB_TIMEOUT;
case RTB_ON:
if (event == EVT_BUTTON) {
rtbTimer = RTB_TIMEOUT;
if (event == EVT_TICK) {
if (--rtbTimer == 0) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_OFF);
rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
Or have a 2nd press of the button cause the LED to extinguish early:
void rtbTask(uint8 event) {
switch(rtbState) {
case RTB_IDLE:
if (event == EVT_BUTTON) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_ON);
rtbState = RTB_ON;
rtbTimer = RTB_TIMEOUT;
case RTB_ON:
if (event == EVT_BUTTON) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_OFF);
rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
if (event == EVT_TICK) {
if (--rtbTimer == 0) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_OFF);
rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
How about have the button start a flash sequence, and a 2nd press stops it: (see also substates)
void rtbTask(uint8 event) {
switch(rtbState) {
case RTB_IDLE:
if (event == EVT_BUTTON) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_ON);
rtbState = RTB_ON;
rtbTimer = RTB_TIMEOUT;
case RTB_ON:
if (event == EVT_BUTTON) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_OFF);
rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
if (event == EVT_TICK) {
if (--rtbTimer == 0) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_OFF);
rtbTimer = RTB_FLASH_TIME;
rtbState = RTB_OFF;
case RTB_OFF:
if (event == EVT_BUTTON) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_OFF);
rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
if (event == EVT_TICK) {
if (--rtbTimer == 0) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_ON);
rtbTimer = RTB_FLASH_TIME;
rtbState = RTB_ON;
Each of these diagrams corresponds to trivial changes in the state code.
If you're from the Arduino world, you have no doubt seen the similarity between this OS plan and the Arduino infrastructure.
{} // initialize and start up the devices and services
{} // code for continuous operation
You can certainly merge this paper's operating system into the Arduino architecture:
char events[];
interrupt_service_routines() {
newEvent(evt); // insert events/messages into events[]
static int nextEvent;
void newEvent(char evt)
{} // same as above; put evt into the events[]
loop() {
static int nextTaskEvent;
if (events[nextTaskEvent]!=EVT_NONE) { // check for non-zero events[],
task1(events[nextTaskEvent]); // and call the task routines
events[nextTaskEvent) = EVT_NONE; // free the slot, fill with 0
if (++nextTaskEvent > NUM_EVENTS)
nextTaskEvent = 0; // and loop through the array
void task1(char evt) {}
void task2(char evt) {}
The fundamental guideline for tasks is that they do not stop. Control flows through and out the bottom, returning to the dispatcher quickly.
Suppose we want to control the power window on a car? For this problem, we have an up/down button, a motor to drive the window up or down, and a motor-overload sensor to detect when the motor is straining. So the buttons & overload sensor are inputs, and the motor drive is outputs.
When the user presses the "up" button, we should start the motor moving upward. When the overload sensor detects a strain, then either the window is all the way up....or it has encountered a finger or hand; in either case, we need to turn the motor drive off.
Here's a possible state diagram.
And here's the matching code. Note the correspondence between the diagram
and the code: arrows leaving a state correspond to an if()
static uint8 windowState = WINDOW_IDLE;
void windowTask(uint8 evt) {
switch(windowState) {
if (evt == EVT_BUTTON_UP) {
gpio_set(MOTOR, UP);
windowState = WINDOW_UP;
if (evt == EVT_BUTTON_DOWN) {
gpio_set(MOTOR, DOWN);
windowState = WINDOW_DOWN;
if (evt == EVT_MOTOR_SENSE ||
gpio_set(MOTOR, OFF);
windowState = WINDOW_IDLE;
if (evt == EVT_MOTOR_SENSE ||
gpio_set(MOTOR, OFF);
windowState = WINDOW_IDLE;
Now, suppose the problem definition is changed: if the user presses the "up" button, the motor should only operate while the button is pressed; stop on release. But if the user presses the "up" button a second time within 1 second of the first release, the motor should drive the window all the way up (auto-close).
Here is a possible state diagram. Notice the significant re-use of code from the previous version.
A simple state machine can control the interior light of a fridge. Here's the use-case:
The problem has one input (door open) and two outputs (light and audible alarm). If the door is open, turn on the light and start a timer for 90 seconds. If the door is still open at the end of the 90 seconds, start an audible alarm. If the door closes, stop the timer and turn off the light and alarm. And if the door closes during the 90 seconds, turn off the light.
Here is the state diagram.
And here is the corresponding code.
uint8 fridgeState;
uint16 fridgeTimer;
const uint16 FRIDGE_OPEN_LIMIT = 9000; // 90 seconds at 10msec tick
void fridgeTask(char event) {
switch(fridgeState) {
if (event == EVT_OPEN) {
set_io(LIGHT, ON);
fridgeTimer = FRIDGE_OPEN_LIMIT;
fridgeState = FRIDGE_OPEN;
if (event == EVT_CLOSE) {
set_io(LIGHT, OFF);
fridgeState = FRIDGE_CLOSED;
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (--fridgeTimer == 0) {
set_io(ALARM, ON);
fridgeState = FRIDGE_BEEPING;
if (event == EVT_CLOSE) {
set_io(ALARM, OFF);
set_io(LIGHT, OFF);
fridgeState = FRIDGE_CLOSED;
Notice on the state diagram, the arrows heads and tails cluster, and similar actions happen for multiple arrows. Perhaps we should write a function that just deals with all the actions required when leaving or entering a state. Then the task code would only have to manage the arrows of the state diagram. Like this:
// this outer code deals with the arrows on the state diagram
void fridgeTask(char event) {
switch (fridgeState) {
if (event == EVT_OPEN) changeFridgeState(FRIDGE_OPEN);
if (event == EVT_CLOSE) changeFridgeState(FRIDGE_CLOSED);
if (event == EVT_FRIDGE_TIMEOUT) changeFridgeState(FRIDGE_BEEPING);
if (event == EVT_CLOSE) changeFridgeState(FRIDGE_CLOSED);
while the inner code deals with the actions required for entry and exit from each state
void changeFridgeState(char newState) {
static char oldState = FRIDGE_CLOSED;
// do all the state-leaving actions
switch(oldState) {
set_io(LIGHT, ON);
set_io(ALARM, OFF);
// change state
fridgeState = oldState = newState;
// and do the state-entry code
switch(newState) {
set_io(LIGHT, OFF);
setTimer(FRIDGE_TIMER, 0);
set_io(ALARM, ON);
Suppose we have a power lock on a door, using a solenoid, and an RFID tag detector on the "outside" and a push button on the "inside". There is also a WiFi connection to a server, by which we report door openings. When the RFID tag sends us a message, it will contain a serial number. If the number matches a known record, then operate the door-opener solenoid for 4 seconds. If the "inside" button is pushed, operate the door-opener for 4 seconds; if the "inside" button is pressed during the 4 seconds, restart the 4 second timer.
After the door is locked, send a report to the master control via the WiFi.
Here's the state diagram:
I use EVT_
type events to indicate that they originate in hardware, probably
at the interrupt level; and MSG_
type events to indicate they come from a
software source, perhaps a sibling task.
Suppose now that the serial number needs to be verified by a central service. So when an RFID tag is detected, send a request to the master control and wait for an ACK or NAK response. In the case of an ACK, open the door solenoid for 4 seconds. The rest of the problem is as stated above.
Here's the modified state diagram:
Suppose we have to move a servo motor to lift the lid from a brewing vat, to release excess pressure.
Inputs: pressure valve, manual operation button Outputs: servo, LED, beeper
If high pressure is detected, flash the LED for 10 seconds, then operate the beeper for 5 seconds, then operate servo; hold it open for 5 seconds and return the servo, LED and beeper to idle.
If the manual operation button is pressed, go directly to "operate servo" as above.
If the manual button is pressed while the lid is open, close immediately.
When idle, wait for payment tap. If selection button is pressed before payment, display cost to inform the user for 3 seconds.
After payment tap, request the user select item.
Operate dispense motor.
Wait for object to be removed from output bin.
In all the above, events were implemented as a simple unsigned char
, allowing
255 different event types.
There's no reason we couldn't use an unsigned short
or even an int
. Further,
a 16 bit event number could be designed to be 8 bits of event type, and 8 bits
of supplementary event information:
typedef struct Event {
unsigned char type;
unsigned char info;
} Event;
Event e = {MSG_KEYPRESS, KEY_A};
In the old Windows system, events/messages were realized as a 16 bit number, with an extra 32 bit number glued to it for extra information.
typedef struct MSG {
UINT message;
LPARAM lParam;
}; // some extra detail removed
For example,
indicates that a key was pressed, with the extra 32bit lParam
carrying the information about which key.
The simplest state timer is made with a static variable associated with the state code.
To start the timer, simply initialize the static variable. On timer ticks, decrement (or increment if you prefer) this variable until it hits a limit, and then make a state change.
For instance, to create a timer that waits 100 timer ticks, you could use:
static int state;
static int stateTimer;
void stateCode(char event) {
switch(state) {
if (event = EVENT_TRIGGER) {
stateTimer = 100;
state = STATE_DELAY;
if (event = EVENT_TICK) {
if (--stateTimer == 0) {
// the timer is finished
state = STATE_NEXT;
// ....
In the above example, you could equally well have set the timer to start at zero and increment until it hits the desired limit (100 in this case).
In a moderate sized project, timers like this will proliferate throughout the code, making it awkward to read. One solution to this is to centralize the timers.
In all the above examples, the timer_irq()
code is trivial, just newEvent(EVT_TICK)
Suppose we add code to the timer_irq()
so that it can process timer counting on
behalf of the tasks......
Let's create a centralized service called setTimer(timer_index, timer_count)
A task can call this service with a unique timer_index
and a requested count. The
uses a pool of timer registers, and will count out the ticks
on behalf of the task, and when the tick
count is finished, the timer_irq()
code can generate a unique event, perhaps
So the state code can then look something like this:
static int state;
void stateCode(char event) {
switch(state) {
if (event = EVENT_TRIGGER) {
state = STATE_DELAY;
if (event = EVENT_TIMER_1) {
// the timer is finished
state = STATE_NEXT;
// ....
This makes the state code simpler to read, hiding all the increments/decrements and limit testing.
The overhead for this ends up in the timer_irq()
and might look something like this:
static uint16 timers[NUM_TIMERS];
#define EVT_TIMER_OFFSET 100
enum {TIMER_1, TIMER_2, TIMER_3}; // 0,1,2,....
void timer_irq() {
newEvent(EVT_TICK); // the main tick, fires every time
for (i=0; i<NUM_TIMERS) { // the system timers, fires on completion
if (timers[i]>0) {
if (--timers[i]==0)
newEvent(i + EVT_TIMER_OFFSET);
/* common service, available to all tasks */
void setTimer(int timerIndex, unsigned int timerCount) {
timers[timerIndex] = timerCount;
Here is an example of a complete and tested project on a small STM32F030 board. Open all the little arrows to see the complete code.
/***** events ****/
#define NUM_EVENTS 10
volatile uint8 events[NUM_EVENTS];
enum { EVT_NONE,
void newEvent(uint8 e);
/********** tasks ***********/
void ledTask(uint8 evt);
void respondToButtonTask(uint8 evt);
/********** interrupts **************/
volatile uint32 tick; // increasing at 100 ticks/sec
// takes a year to roll-over
void timer_isr(void) {
// this interrupt is auto-ack'd
void button_isr(void) {
EXTI->PR |= 0x3001; // ack it
/** newEvent
* add the event to the event queue
* wrapped in critical section
* @param the event
void newEvent(char e) {
static uint nextEvent;
dint(); // critical section
events[nextEvent++] = e;
if (nextEvent==NUM_EVENTS)
nextEvent = 0;
void main(void) {
// dispatcher loop
while(1) {
int j;
for (j=0; j<NUM_EVENTS; j++) {
while (events[j]==EVT_NONE)
events[j] = EVT_NONE;
/*********** task code, with states ************/
enum {LED_ON, LED_OFF};
enum {RTB_IDLE, RTB_ON}; // states
static uint8 rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
static uint16 rtbTimerCount = 0;
const uint16 BUTTON_LED_ON_TIME = 150;
void respondToButtonTask(uint8 evt) {
switch(rtbState) {
case RTB_IDLE:
if (evt == EVT_BUTTON) {
rtbState = RTB_ON;
rtbTimerCount = BUTTON_LED_ON_TIME;
gpio_set(LED, LED_ON);
case RTB_ON:
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (--rtbTimerCount == 0) {
gpio_set(LED, LED_OFF);
rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
const int LED_ON_TIME = 150;
const int LED_OFF_TIME = 50;
static uint8 ledState = LED_OFF;
static uint16 ledTimerCount = 0;
void ledTask(uint8 evt) {
switch(ledState) {
case LED_OFF:
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (++ledTimerCount > LED_OFF_TIME) {
gpio_set(LED2, LED_ON);
ledTimerCount = LED_ON_TIME;
ledState = LED_ON;
case LED_ON:
if (evt == EVT_TICK) {
if (--ledTimerCount == 0) {
gpio_set(LED2, LED_OFF);
ledTimerCount = 0;
ledState = LED_OFF;
For things like flashing LED's, you could create two states, and toggle between them, like this:
Or, you could simply have an internal (static, not-on-the-stack) variable which can keep track of the LED toggle. The state diagram then simplifies:
uint8 rtbState = RTB_IDLE; // major state, RTB_IDLE/RTB_FLASHING
uint8 rtbSubState = RTB_FLASH_OFF; // minor state, toggles LED on/off
Alternatively, you could use the timer counter variable, and make changes at the half-way point through the count. This simplifies the substate design to this:
const uint16 FLASH_CYCLE_TIME 150;
const uint16 FLASH_ON_TIME 40;
uint8 rtbState = STATE_IDLE;
void rtbTaskCode(char event) {
static uint16 flashCount=0;
switch(taskState) {
case RTB_IDLE:
if (event == EVT_BUTTON) {
flashCount = FLASH_CYCLE_TIME;
// count down flashCount, toggle LED halfway through
// effectively creating a substate
if (event == EVT_TICK) {
if (--flashCount == 0) {
flashCount = FLASH_CYCLE_TIME;
} else if (flashCount == FLASH_ON_TIME) {
// ... make sure to turn LED off when leaving this state
if (event == EVT_BUTTON) {
rtbState = RTB_IDLE;
Notice that there's no initialization of states in this code.
It would be very handy if we
knew when to initialize all the lights and buzzers and match up the various
states. Perhaps the main()
code could add a single event into the event queue
at power-up, perhaps EVT_INIT
. It might be added like this:
void main(void) {
newEvent(EVT_INIT); // early, before interrupts, so we know it's first in line
while(1) {
... dispatcher code ...
Then, in the state code, you can catch that event and set up whatever might be required
uint8 myState;
void stateCode(uint8 event) {
if (event==EVT_INIT) {
// ... do setup code
myState = FIRST_STATE;
// ... regular state machine code
Now that we have an event/dispatcher system, we can also also use it to send information asychronously between tasks. For example, if a keyboard processing task needs to inform its siblings, it can create messages which can be injected into the event queue.
Notice the change of terminology, where message indicates that the entry was created by code procesing, rather than an interrupt.
We need a service routine to add messages to the event queue:
. This call is very smimilar newEvent()
which should
only be called from interrupts.
void postMessage(uint8 message);
Notice that postMessage
can't return any information, because it's not
processed immediately; the message is added to the event queue to be
processed at a later time.
In some cases we may want the sibling task to process the information immediately. This means:
To return a value means that the prototype for task functions would change from
void taskCode(uint8 event);
uint8 taskCode(uint8 event);
The service routine to send a message like this would look like:
uint8 SendMessage(int8 taskPointer(uint8), uint8 message) {
return taskPointer(message);
Why might one want to send a message between tasks?
Suppose you have a rotary encoder, which sends quadrant signals, which need to be interpreted as clockwise and counter clockwise. You could have one task devoted to determining the direction of the knob (and debouncing), and have it send (or post) clean EVT_CW and EVT_CCW messages to its sibgling tasks.
Another possible use of messages is to create alternate souces of input. For example, a device which has a temperature set by "up/down" buttons on a front panel could receive the same controls from an infra-red remote, or even a serial port (perhaps for testing).
And why sendMessage()
? Perhaps you need to have a sibling task change
states, or process information before you continue in your task. Imagine
there is a slave WiFi chip that needs to be powered up before you send it
a request....you could use sendMessage()
to activate the power, and then
continue, knowing that your peripheral is available.
I taught this coding technique at the college level, and a typical end-of-term assignment was to code up a simulated automobile entertainment system, which included about 6-10 concurrent tasks:
Each list item above corresponds to one task. My students were able to code this up with about 35k of source, which compiles to about 8k of code and 256B of RAM (on an STM32)
Suppose we have a +
and -
button for tuning a radio. A press of either
will move the radio frequency by one step. If the button is held for more
than 0.5 seconds, the radio should change to a rapid scroll through all
available frequencies.
Suppose we have events coming at 100msec, and that the radio frequencies are 88.7 up to 107.9, with steps at 0.1. And finally, suppose there are 5 available events:
const float MIN_FREQ=88.7, MAX_FREQ=107.9, INC_FREQ=0.1;
float radioFreq = MIN_FREQ;
uint16 radioTimer = 0;
const uint16 radioTimeout = 5; // 0.5 seconds
uint8 state = IDLE;
void radioTask(uint8 event) {
switch(state) {
case IDLE:
if (event == EVT_UP_PRESS) {
radioFreq += INC_FREQ;
radioTimer = radioTimeout;
state = FREQ_UP;
if (event == EVT_DN_PRESS) {
radioFreq -= INC_FREQ;
radioTimer = radioTimeout;
state = FREQ_DN;
case FREQ_UP:
if (event == EVT_UP_RELEASE)
state = IDLE;
if (event == EVT_TICK) {
if (--radioTimer == 0)
state = FREQ_UP_FAST;
if (event == EVT_TICK) {
radioFreq += INC_FREQ;
if (event == EVT_UP_RELEASE)
state = IDLE;
// and the same for FREQ_DN and FREQ_DN_FAST
// manage rollover
void checkRadioFreq() {
if (radioFreq > MAX_FREQ)
radioFreq = MIN_FREQ;
if (radioFreq < MIN_FREQ)
radioFreq = MAX_FREQ;
This may seem like a lot of code, but it compiles to something quite small. It is non-blocking, and easily maintained and modified. And it works.